: Human Resources Fantasy Football Regular Season schedule

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Game Week Matchups
9/13-9/19/2020 Heavy Hitters -vs- Four eighty ones    
9/13-9/19/2020 PA8 Steelers -vs- Nicole Rental-Purchase LLC    
9/13-9/19/2020 Cartner Enterprises, Inc. -vs- DH Rentals Inc    
9/13-9/19/2020 Maka -vs- Mishawaka Heavy Hitters    
9/13-9/19/2020 Regulators -vs- Sieverding Group Inc    
9/13-9/19/2020 The Misfits -vs- The Battalion    
9/13-9/19/2020 All Stars -vs- Leopards    
9/13-9/19/2020 West Dayton Bombers -vs- Hurricanes    
9/13-9/19/2020 Kings DMB -vs- Lifestyle Rentals Inc.    
9/13-9/19/2020 Orange Rock -vs- Two Ninety Twos    
9/20-9/26/2020 WoodyKat Inc -vs- PA8 Steelers    
9/20-9/26/2020 Four eighty ones -vs- Cartner Enterprises, Inc.    
9/20-9/26/2020 Nicole Rental-Purchase LLC -vs- CourtZKyle, Inc.    
9/20-9/26/2020 DH Rentals Inc -vs- Rich and Dave York    
9/20-9/26/2020 Best One Inc -vs- Fair Fighters    
9/20-9/26/2020 Rich and Dave Reading -vs- Vikings    
9/20-9/26/2020 One Forty Sixes -vs- The Sinister 6    
9/20-9/26/2020 Danmar Enterprises Inc -vs- The Leverage    
9/20-9/26/2020 Owosso Trojans -vs- Lifestyle Rentals Inc.    
9/20-9/26/2020 Two Ninety Twos -vs- Head Hunters    
9/27-10/3/2020 WoodyKat Inc -vs- Cartner Enterprises, Inc.    
9/27-10/3/2020 Lynchburg Ravens -vs- Maka    
9/27-10/3/2020 Romano -vs- Regulators    
9/27-10/3/2020 Wyoming Calvary -vs- The Misfits    
9/27-10/3/2020 WILDCATS -vs- All Stars    
9/27-10/3/2020 Mishawaka Heavy Hitters -vs- West Dayton Bombers    
9/27-10/3/2020 Sieverding Group Inc -vs- Kings DMB    
9/27-10/3/2020 The Battalion -vs- Orange Rock    
9/27-10/3/2020 Leopards -vs- Owosso Trojans    
9/27-10/3/2020 Hurricanes -vs- Head Hunters    
10/4-10/10/2020 WoodyKat Inc -vs- CourtZKyle, Inc.    
10/4-10/10/2020 Cartner Enterprises, Inc. -vs- Rich and Dave York    
10/4-10/10/2020 PA8 Steelers -vs- Fair Fighters    
10/4-10/10/2020 Four eighty ones -vs- Rich and Dave Reading    
10/4-10/10/2020 Nicole Rental-Purchase LLC -vs- The Sinister 6    
10/4-10/10/2020 DH Rentals Inc -vs- Danmar Enterprises Inc    
10/4-10/10/2020 Best One Inc -vs- Lifestyle Rentals Inc.    
10/4-10/10/2020 Vikings -vs- Two Ninety Twos    
10/4-10/10/2020 One Forty Sixes -vs- Leopards    
10/4-10/10/2020 The Leverage -vs- Hurricanes    
10/11-10/17/2020 Regulators -vs- WoodyKat Inc    
10/11-10/17/2020 Maka -vs- The Misfits    
10/11-10/17/2020 All Stars -vs- Cartner Enterprises, Inc.    
10/11-10/17/2020 Lynchburg Ravens -vs- West Dayton Bombers    
10/11-10/17/2020 Romano -vs- Kings DMB    
10/11-10/17/2020 Wyoming Calvary -vs- Orange Rock    
10/11-10/17/2020 WILDCATS -vs- Owosso Trojans    
10/11-10/17/2020 Mishawaka Heavy Hitters -vs- Head Hunters    
10/11-10/17/2020 Sieverding Group Inc -vs- One Forty Sixes    
10/11-10/17/2020 The Battalion -vs- The Leverage    
10/18-10/24/2020 WoodyKat Inc -vs- Fair Fighters    
10/18-10/24/2020 Rich and Dave York -vs- Rich and Dave Reading    
10/18-10/24/2020 CourtZKyle, Inc. -vs- The Sinister 6    
10/18-10/24/2020 Cartner Enterprises, Inc. -vs- Danmar Enterprises Inc    
10/18-10/24/2020 PA8 Steelers -vs- Lifestyle Rentals Inc.    
10/18-10/24/2020 Four eighty ones -vs- Two Ninety Twos    
10/18-10/24/2020 Nicole Rental-Purchase LLC -vs- Leopards    
10/18-10/24/2020 DH Rentals Inc -vs- Hurricanes    
10/18-10/24/2020 Best One Inc -vs- Sieverding Group Inc    
10/18-10/24/2020 Vikings -vs- The Battalion    
10/25-10/31/2020 All Stars -vs- WoodyKat Inc    
10/25-10/31/2020 The Misfits -vs- West Dayton Bombers    
10/25-10/31/2020 Regulators -vs- Kings DMB    
10/25-10/31/2020 Maka -vs- Orange Rock    
10/25-10/31/2020 Owosso Trojans -vs- Cartner Enterprises, Inc.    
10/25-10/31/2020 Lynchburg Ravens -vs- Head Hunters    
10/25-10/31/2020 Romano -vs- One Forty Sixes    
10/25-10/31/2020 Wyoming Calvary -vs- The Leverage    
10/25-10/31/2020 WILDCATS -vs- Best One Inc    
10/25-10/31/2020 Mishawaka Heavy Hitters -vs- Vikings    
11/1-11/7/2020 WoodyKat Inc -vs- The Sinister 6    
11/1-11/7/2020 Rich and Dave Reading -vs- Danmar Enterprises Inc    
11/1-11/7/2020 Fair Fighters -vs- Lifestyle Rentals Inc.    
11/1-11/7/2020 Rich and Dave York -vs- Two Ninety Twos    
11/1-11/7/2020 CourtZKyle, Inc. -vs- Leopards    
11/1-11/7/2020 Cartner Enterprises, Inc. -vs- Hurricanes    
11/1-11/7/2020 PA8 Steelers -vs- Sieverding Group Inc    
11/1-11/7/2020 Four eighty ones -vs- The Battalion    
11/1-11/7/2020 Nicole Rental-Purchase LLC -vs- WILDCATS    
11/1-11/7/2020 DH Rentals Inc -vs- Mishawaka Heavy Hitters    
11/8-11/14/2020 Kings DMB -vs- WoodyKat Inc    
11/8-11/14/2020 West Dayton Bombers -vs- Orange Rock    
11/8-11/14/2020 All Stars -vs- Owosso Trojans    
11/8-11/14/2020 The Misfits -vs- Head Hunters    
11/8-11/14/2020 Regulators -vs- One Forty Sixes    
11/8-11/14/2020 Maka -vs- The Leverage    
11/8-11/14/2020 Best One Inc -vs- Cartner Enterprises, Inc.    
11/8-11/14/2020 Lynchburg Ravens -vs- Vikings    
11/8-11/14/2020 Romano -vs- Nicole Rental-Purchase LLC    
11/8-11/14/2020 Wyoming Calvary -vs- DH Rentals Inc    
11/15-11/21/2020 WoodyKat Inc -vs- Lifestyle Rentals Inc.    
11/15-11/21/2020 Danmar Enterprises Inc -vs- Two Ninety Twos    
11/15-11/21/2020 The Sinister 6 -vs- Leopards    
11/15-11/21/2020 Rich and Dave Reading -vs- Hurricanes    
11/15-11/21/2020 Fair Fighters -vs- Sieverding Group Inc    
11/15-11/21/2020 Rich and Dave York -vs- The Battalion    
11/15-11/21/2020 CourtZKyle, Inc. -vs- WILDCATS    
11/15-11/21/2020 Cartner Enterprises, Inc. -vs- Mishawaka Heavy Hitters    
11/15-11/21/2020 PA8 Steelers -vs- Romano    
11/15-11/21/2020 Four eighty ones -vs- Wyoming Calvary    
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